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Do you have any hunting goals for 2020? Whether it's spending more time in mountains with family, or in the woods in general, or redemption from that illusive animal you found last year, or maybe even a new animal to hunt. Whatever it is this year I hope it drives you to work harder, focus more, and motivates you to become a better hunter and human. Just remember not to beat yourself up if you don't reach your goal.

Reason being, it happened to me last year. I delayed sharing a buck I shot in 2019 for this very reason. Frankly because he wasn’t the two bucks I was truly after, simply put I had my eyes on my goal and failed. I sort of felt like I settled for less & settling for less is not what I do. For those that cant grasp it, I compare to an Olympian who trains all year for "gold" and they end up with "Bronze". Those that train their ass off all year for gold do not like settling for Bronze. For those watching on the couch that cant seem to see why they are so upset is because (in their eye) it's still a top prize. Harvesting the buck I did was still a prize, just not what I was "shooting" for.   


So like an Olympian, I forced myself to set the ego aside early on knowing there is so much more to appreciate. Yes he is a good deer, super old, very unique, and I had the fortune of doubling up with my hunting buddy @dansolsman opening weekend with OTC tags in hand. That of course is what ultimately lead to me pulling the trigger. I am happy with bronze. 


For me, knowing there were two other bigger deer in the area & having scouted two more in another area that towered this one, it was still a difficult decision to make. I had mixed feelings & felt I may have fell short of the honest effort & hard work I truly put into finding what I expected as a true giant. I missed a few huge opportunities in 2018 & swore I was going to capitalize 10 folds for 2019.


None the less I learned a lot.. and to all the non hunting followers that (for some odd ass reason) are still reading this post it can also relate to regular life. The outcomes of situations and effort may not always end up how you expected or wanted; in relationships, your job, sports, and of course hunts. Realize this:


{we create our own heartbreaks through our expectations}


Hunting challenges me beyond what most can fathom. If you don’t hunt I know your still driven in other ways in life to push yourself one way or another. If you don’t I encourage you find it! And when you do don’t be afraid to be vulnerable!


While vulnerability is often seen as a sign of weakness, it is actually the opposite. Being vulnerable allows you to strengthen your resolve because we cannot grow truly strong until we acknowledge the areas where we are weak. Exposing your vulnerability will help you never get overconfident or hubristic, & it will always remind you of where you came from and how hard you had to work to get where you are. Nothing builds a more steely determined mindset then that.


Good luck to all those out there still chasing their passion and to all those that still have yet to find it!

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