Travis Holding
As far back as Travis can remember, he has always loved and felt at home in the mountains. He has spent the last 30 years learning about and benefiting from the wonders that Mother Nature has to offer. He enjoys all things outdoors, especially when he can spend that time with his wife and three children doing any of these activities and more: hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, white-water rafting, kayaking, mountain biking, etc.
I grew up fishing high mountain lakes in Utah with my father and grandfather and have many fond memories from those adventures. My real obsession with fishing took hold when a good friend and neighbor introduced me to fly-fishing. My first real fly-fishing trip took place on the Green River below the Gorge and ever since that day, my obsession with the sport has only grown. Today I enjoy fly-fishing almost any stream you put me on and especially look forward to casting flies to giant steelhead and salmon as they make their way to their spawning grounds here in Idaho.
I was first introduced to archery hunting in my 20’s, but wouldn’t fully engage in the sport until my early 30’s. Since then, I wake up every day dreaming of crisp cool mornings in September, running from ridge to ridge throwing out bugles in hopes of finding that one bull that is ready to talk. I enjoy honing my archery skills throughout the year by participating in 3D shoots around the state. Most recently my wife and children have taken up archery hunting and there is nothing better than seeing the excitement in their eyes as they behold the wonders of the hunt.
Over the years, my dedication and love for the outdoors has allowed me to share my passion with other families, war Vets and underprivileged teenagers. I have had the opportunity to take part in a number of non-profit organizations and personally guide individuals on hunting, fishing and whitewater rafting trips, which have led to these individuals learning and growing in ways that only the great outdoors can provide. Based upon all of these experiences and desire to share the great outdoors, I along with two of my greatest friends and adventurists themselves, we started a non-profit called “Pure Summits”. We are in our second year of providing unmatched outdoor experiences and adventures to those who need it most in our community, and we look forward to many more years in this endeavor. Favorite quote: “Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach us more than we can ever learn from books.” –John Lubbock
Justin Borg
I’m always up for adventure. I grew up hunting with my dad and brothers in Idaho’s backcountry from the Owyhees to the Boise Front to the Sawtooths. Many a morning was spent piled into an FJ40 Land Cruiser at 3 AM headed for the hills to chase deer and elk. My richest mountain memories in the fall were days spent hunting elk from our spike camp; we’d be up early glassing and hiking, nap and chill in camp mid-day, and then hunt and chase bugles until dark. Days in the backcountry with friends and family form some of the closest bonds. My best friends are my adventure ready hunting partners. My most cherished memories with my family are times together away from civilization.
As a kid we spent our summers backpacking, fishing, and camping. As a teenager we'd go on annual trips to Island Park and Palisades where my brothers and I would be turned loose with motorcycles and rods to fish for wild brook, rainbow, and cutthroat trout in tributaries to the Henry’s and South Fork of the Snake River with instructions to return before dark. Today one of my greatest passions is fly-fishing and the beautiful places that pursuit takes me with friends, my kids, and my wife. From the salt flats of Ascension Bay Mexico to the backcountry streams of the Copper Basin, the views are always panoramic and cathartic.
Whether it’s snow shoeing, skiing, snowboarding, motorcycle riding, hunting, fly-fishing, backpacking, mountaineering, whitewater rafting, overlanding, or some other back country activity I’m always game. I also love sharing Idaho’s backcountry with others who haven’t been as fortunate as I have growing up with these adventures. I spent about 10 years as a Scoutmaster teaching boys to survive and thrive away from civilization. In the winter we'd backpack on snowshoes and then sleep in snow shelters far from comforts of home. In the summers we'd scramble to high mountain lakes where we'd cook fresh trout over a fire. Seeing the eyes of a kid light up when they experience these adventures for the first time has been one of my greatest rewards over the last few years. Each year I look forward to new adventures and sharing them with family and friends alike.
Brian Klemme
Being in the outdoors has always been a part of life for me whether hiking, mountain biking, back packing, rafting, fly fishing, skiing, or hunting - if it's an outdoor adventure, I'm all in! It all started at a young age, with my grandfather, father, and brother, chasing fish. As far back as I can remember, fishing was just part of living, part of who I was, and quite frankly, I was good at it. I can remember trips being the only one who caught fish. I remember trips with my dad and brother, packed into this truck, headed out to the backcountry to gather wood and catch a few fish on high mountain streams. Being on those crystal clear waters, catching native cutthroat, brooks, rainbow and an occasional bull trout are memories that always play out in my mind. As I grew older, the adventures with my dad and brother would take us further from home, and further into Idaho's back country as we'd go on 50 mile back packing trips or canoeing trips in an effort to take a step back from life and remember the important things - family, friendship, and freedom. And with each trip, new memories were created.
Hunting was the other passion my father shared with me. And through the years, has become a passion that I have shared with my boys. Many a morning have we awoke early, sleeping in the back of the truck, anxious for the new days' hunt chasing deer or elk. And like most hunters, some trips were fruitful, other weren't but all were successful as we were able to spend time together talking, laughing, and enjoying life in the great outdoors.
I have been fortunate enough to have been able to share all of these adventures with my wife and kids and great friends. Now, many of my fondest memories are of those adventures we have shared together enjoying our own Idaho outdoor adventures and watching our kids take part in these activities...and finding a source of happiness and peace that only comes from being in the outdoors.
They say with age comes wisdom, and based on my experiences, I'd have to agree. Over the past couple decades, I've learned to fly fish and have recently transitioned to archery hunting and both of these passions have become more of an addiction with each new year and each new season. Whether on a river chasing fish or out hunting big game, with my own kids, or with friends, these adventures have become a big part of who I am and undoubtedly, will be the memories that will carry me throughout my life.
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